b. 1992. Rosa Caterina. Textile artist and painter based in Mallorca, Balearic Islands.
I studied Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona, where I experimented with soft materials like wild plants, wool felt, wax, and paper, grounding my practice in everyday activities such as walking and cooking. In 2013, I became fascinated by natural dyes and textiles, training with Michel Garcia in France and Belgium and reconnecting with ancestral plant knowledge once passed down through the women in my family. This experience sparked a deep interest in Mediterranean flora and led me to pursue a PhD in Plant Biology at the University of the Balearic Islands, focusing on local dye plants. Today, plants are at the heart of my work, each offering a unique color language for my textiles and drawings. Inspired by folk art and popular culture, I reimagine these materials with a sense of wonder, opening up meaningful, regenerative paths in contemporary arts and crafts.
Clients INCLUDE. A.S.L Paris, Juan March Foundation Museum, Lugar Usual, Accidente con Flores, University of the Balearic Islands, Botanical Garden of Sóller, Único Gallery, Marala, Muaré, IB3 TV, Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet, Art Research Group i Educació GRAiE, Tres Cultura, Ajuntament de Palma, Centre de Documentació i Museu Tèxtil de Terrassa, Musée archéologique de Saint Romain en Gal, GRETA CDMA, Colore ton Monde, Museum over Industrie, Arbeid en Textiel.
Writings & Features. WMN Magazine, How They Work, Els Entusiastes (43'17''), La Gran Vida (19'30''), Ultima Hora, La térmica, Openstudio 79, Bonart, Langscape Magazine (Canada), Centre de Documentació i Museu Tèxtil de Terrassa (Spain).